Golf club you thought was good until you're on the course

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  • Full Metal


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    Mar 6, 2014
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    Have you ever purchased a club -any of them. You were excited and ready and you thought you were going to be the next Tiger woods then you get on the course and can not square the ball to the face or it just does not work with you or your style?

    Well what was it?
    My TEE 3w

    I was pumped to have something long I could hit off the deck. I pull hook the ever living hell out of this thing every single time I hit it. There's no stopping me either. I've hit buckets and buckets of balls with this thing at the range and I can't fix it.
    I find a 3wood hard to hit anyways. I don’t know why but me and a 3w always fight. Right now I am suppose to have a 3w that is easier to hit with but I think it’s me not the tools.
    My Callaway 8.5° driver. I figured I would want a lower trajectory to get as much roll as possible on these Pacific NW fairways. Nope. That thing is harder to hit than a 1 iron.

    My TM 10.5° is much more forgiving and consistent.
    my other was a PXG 0211 driver with a stiff flex - Got it cheap and couldnt hit the ball sold it 3 weeks later for $150
    Haha ya I’ve been there also
    I’m still in this “let me figure out this” or “ pros use it” or “I’ll show them” then I get to this “this isn’t going to work”.

    Next up my Taylor sim2 max 22* 4hybrid love it to pieces and carry it in the bag but rarely try and swing it.
    Not enough gigs available on this forum to list all the clubs I've been through looking for magic. It's me, not the clubs. At 77 yrs old, still can't accept that as fact. :>)

    Latest was a set of i230 Titleist irons. The i25's were great until they lost on of the tungsten weights. Moved to the i230's and was severely disappointed. Many years ago, was scheduled to play in a corporate scramble. Wasn't getting along with my driver so ran into a store in the a.m. and bought a Callaway FTi driver. Square head. Without even hitting it, walked to the first tee and the aluminum bat sound still reverberates in my ears!! Loud. Short. Ugly. One round and it was gone!!
    What a dark time in golf's history
    Nike, MacGregor, and Callaway all brought out drivers that sounded like aluminum baseball bats. The Callaway lasted 24 hours in my bag. The MacGregor a few weeks. Never bought the Nike due to some personal issues I had with that manufacturer while they were in the golf industry.
    The 83 year old in our group has his own motorized cart. Probably has upwards of 20 clubs between his bag and a number resting in the vacant bag slot to the right. He has one of the old noisy Nike drivers. Doesn't use it except on some par 3's. Longer par 3's into a wind and punch it low while the rest of us hold our hands over our ears!!!
    Any driver, doesn't matter what brand it is, I suck hitting any of them. But give me a 3w and I can hit it further than any driver, works great off the deck, etc.
    Any driver, doesn't matter what brand it is, I suck hitting any of them. But give me a 3w and I can hit it further than any driver, works great off the deck, etc.
    Simple solution to that problem. 😄

    I have a couple strong 3 woods that I will eventually shaft up and test as potential mini-drivers to solve that same problem.

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