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  • Full Metal Markers.com
    Mine...jammed into my too short garage...i clear by about an inch...notice i had to tear off the trim on the header just to get it into the garage. I'm still debating if i want to raise the header or not.
    EClark, I have to say, Ford makes a great looking truck. One like yours is always in the golfcourse parking lot. Turns my head, but I'm still a Chevy truck fan.
    EClark, I have to say, Ford makes a great looking truck. One like yours is always in the golfcourse parking lot. Turns my head, but I'm still a Chevy truck fan.
    My thoughts exactly!
    EClark, I have to say, Ford makes a great looking truck. One like yours is always in the golfcourse parking lot. Turns my head, but I'm still a Chevy truck fan.

    I was looking heavily at Chevy. My family has always been a GM family so that was my first choice. The Silverado and Sierra are both fantastic looking trucks.

    After looking, and knowing i'm going to be having more kids sometime in the near future(at least one, maybe two) i needed 4 doors. After looking inside all the full four door candidates, Ford by far had the most room for the rear passengers. With the front seats all the way back, 6'6" people have no problem with leg room back there. It also has a 100% flat rear floor, no drive train hump. You don't realize how useful that is until you're stacking stuff to the roof back there.

    After seeing that, and knowing that Ford has the best selling half ton in America since before i was born, Ford then became my top choice.

    I was still open to other manufacturers, however, i found a great deal on the one that I got.

    Now, had I gone 3/4 ton, I would've been looking at the Duramax/Allison combo and pretty much not stray from that.
    I'd love me a Tundra....

    I love Tundras...................but no dealerships near my area. Also, my Chev is a 2009..........and there was a good selection of 2009 and 2008 Silverados at my dealer, but try to find a used 2009 Tundra.
    After looking, and knowing i'm going to be having more kids sometime in the near future(at least one, maybe two) i needed 4 doors. After looking inside all the full four door candidates, Ford by far had the most room for the rear passengers. With the front seats all the way back, 6'6" people have no problem with leg room back there. It also has a 100% flat rear floor, no drive train hump. You don't realize how useful that is until you're stacking stuff to the roof back there.

    After seeing that, and knowing that Ford has the best selling half ton in America since before i was born, Ford then became my top choice.
    I'm curious: does the Ford have the same length bed as the GM trucks? I'm wondering where Ford picked up the extra room in the cab.
    I love Tundras...................but no dealerships near my area. Also, my Chev is a 2009..........and there was a good selection of 2009 and 2008 Silverados at my dealer, but try to find a used 2009 Tundra.

    Lots of them were around Madison when i was looking...The ford dealerships used lots were full of them...
    I'm curious: does the Ford have the same length bed as the GM trucks? I'm wondering where Ford picked up the extra room in the cab.

    I'm sure that's where they picked up the extra room. I don't use the bed all that much though and it's still 5.5ft(tailgate up). I can still fit my bike in there with the tailgate down.

    There is an optional 6.5foot bed with the super crew cab, i wouldn't mind that option, but it wasn't on the truck that I bought and it wasn't a huge concern for me. I have yet to come across something where an extra foot made the difference between fitting and not fitting. I haul a lot more people than I do cargo.
    I just checked the specs on the manufacturers sites, the bed on my truck is 2.3" shorter than the comparable bed on the chevy(full 4 door, 4x4). However, chevy does not offer the longer box option with their crew cabs(as far as the website showed anyway)

    The ford is 67" and the chevy is 69.3".

    The ford overall length is 231.9 and the chevy is 230.2. So that makes up some of the difference as well.

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