2 Ball Putter Confusion!!!!

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    Well-Known Member
    Oct 19, 2006
    Reaction score
    Hi All. I am thinking of buying a new Odyssey 2 ball putter but I am a little confused on which one to get. I have a few questions.

    1) What is the difference between the White Hot and White Steel 2 ball putters? They look very similar and are the same price.

    2) The White Steel version offers a mallet and blade putter that look similar. I thought all of the 2 ball putters were mallets? What is the difference?

    3) If you own one than which one is it and how do you like it. If you were going to buy one than which one would you get and why?

    Thanks for your help.
    The White Steel has a milled steel insert built into the normal urethane insert for those who prefer the feel and characteristics of a steel insert, yet it is still somewhat softer than a regular steel putter. As far as blade vs. Mallet, on the 2 ball the front is designed differently to match a blade or mallet. The mallet is a little heavier. They do have a different feel. You may also want to look at the XG. Like the White steel, it has a dual insert, although it is soft. I have owned the original white hot, as well as the XG. IMO, the XG is softer. That would be good or bad depending on what you like, for me it was good. The XG's I tried also had a lower profile face. Again, good or bad??? I should mention neither of these were a 2 ball. My intent was to get a 2 ball, but I prefered the alignment and feel of the XG #7 on testing them. Again, just personal preference.
    To see the differences, and different views of each:
    1) What is the difference between the White Hot and White Steel 2 ball putters? They look very similar and are the same price.

    2) The White Steel version offers a mallet and blade putter that look similar. I thought all of the 2 ball putters were mallets? What is the difference?

    3) If you own one than which one is it and how do you like it. If you were going to buy one than which one would you get and why?

    Thanks for your help.

    1) FKA Pa Jayhawk coverd this well. Just a steel insert for a different feel. Try'em both to see which fits your game.

    2) The 2-ball Blade has a more traditional bladelike profile from the front and above with the exception of the 2-ball section which extends out. The 2-ball Blade is more of a "T" shape when you look at it from the address postion where the 2-ball mallet has a rounder more tradional mallet shape appearence from the address position. In the older 2-ball putters (White Hot and DFX) the 2-ball blade has a plumbers neck versus a multiple bend shaft in the mallet to provide the offset. In the White Steel line up, both the mallet and blade have the multiple bend shaft.

    3) I have two 2-balls in the house, I bought my wife a 2-ball blade (White Hot) and myself a 2-ball mallet (White Hot, Tour Lined, Tour Filled). I found the White Hot face too soft for my tastes. It did not feel as bad when I was playing with a 2-piece golf ball, but its way too soft with a 3-piece golf ball. I prefer a heavier headed putter, so the Tour Filled was a must, but it was still a bit light. The ultimate 2-ball for me would be a 2-ball blade with plumbers neck that had a steel insert in a steel face with a minimum head weight of 355 grams. That won't happen anytime soon so I will stick with my Scottys and my Snake Eyes.

    Go out to the local golf store and putt with them for a while. They may or may not be your thing and that is nice to know before you fork over the dough.
    I tried them all and ended up with a mallet style "white hot XG" 2-ball putter which is the latest "white hot insert" technology. It feels fantastic. :)
    Most people I know that use the 2-ball prefer the mallet. Then again, they are all women.
    pretty sure I've made myself clear on the 2ball issue here in the past ;)
    I got a 2 ball blade, and love it! Real nice feel on those longer putts.
    VT- do you still have your old 2ball you mentioned? Interested in parting with it?
    I have a 2-Ball in my house that serves as guarding my bedroom only. Theyr were good from 4-8 feet I thought but I had no confidence outside or strangely, inside that area. I just way prefer my Bettinardi now and don't think I'll be changing for a long time yet

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