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  • Full Metal
    He's still a kid. 17 years old. His whole life was ahead of him.

    I'm not saying Zimmerman is guilty, that's not for me to decide. I'm saying Martin is dead because Zimmerman was carrying a gun and used it inappropriately
    What difference does it make what color his teeth were?
    The media is putting pics up of the "kid" when he was much younger. Have you seen the more recent pics of him with the gold teeth. He was 6' tall and not the innocent looking little kid the media has splattered all over the news. One of the biggest missuses of news reporting I have ever seen.

    So true. I can't believe they used that old photo of him. He looked like a sweet little, 12 year old schoolboy. Then some recent photos of him surfaced that made him look like a thug. Regardless of his character, he was an adult.
    He's still a kid. 17 years old. His whole life was ahead of him.

    I'm not saying Zimmerman is guilty, that's not for me to decide. I'm saying Martin is dead because Zimmerman was carrying a gun and used it inappropriately

    He would've been tried as an adult in court had Zimmerman not defended himself. Not a kid.
    Shooting them all, shooting one it's still too many IMO.

    And of course I would try to defend myself. I wouldn't have shot someone tho

    You're OK with criminals preying on citizens? You would rather see criminals have the upper hand than any criminal shot and killed?
    Did the same eye witnesses see Zimmerman chase after some kid walking thru the neighborhood who was minding his own business?

    Things escalated, one guy had a gun, and one kid is dead.

    Zimmerman is likely going to jail for the rest of his life because he was carrying a weapon. Time will tell what the court buys or doesn't buy.

    Nope. So how do you know that happened? The media? The same media that refused to show an actual picture of the 'kid'?

    I'm going by what we absolutely know happened. You're assuming about 99% of what happened.
    I'm done with this now. It's obvious that people cannot be changed. I'll agree to disagree.

    That's the great thing about this country - we are both entitled to our opinion. Does not make one more correct than the other.

    I respect your opinion. I didn't take exception with what you said or how you said it. You guys came after me... look back at the posts.

    This was a specific experiment I decided to take on after reading this thread to see how quickly the pro gun people could go on the defense and in turn take shots at my arguments. I purposefully did not try to disspell anyone's opinion.

    Quite fascinating IMO.
    You did try to dispel the facts that I posted, see post #103. Your opinion does not overrule facts just because you choose not to believe them.

    YOU are quite fascinating, in my opinion.
    That's the great thing about this country - we are both entitled to our opinion. Does not make one more correct than the other.

    I respect your opinion. I didn't take exception with what you said or how you said it. You guys came after me... look back at the posts.

    This was a specific experiment I decided to take on after reading this thread to see how quickly the pro gun people could go on the defense and in turn take shots at my arguments. I purposefully did not try to disspell anyone's opinion.

    Quite fascinating IMO.

    Go to a horse racing track and say something about how horse racing should be banned. Go to a trap shooting club and talk about banning guns. Go to a golf course and talk about banning golf balls for the environment. I could go on for months.

    How exactly does that prove anything? You just proved that people will try to persuade you not to ban something they enjoy. Awesome. I'm glad you made that breakthrough.

    You still refuse to answer any questions we ask you, you refuse to accept facts, and you insist on throwing assumptions into the discussion. Now you basically just admitted to purposely trolling. Then, somehow we're the 'bad guys' for coming after you?
    Fellows, lively debate is a welcome thing, and it'd be nice to see it continue on this thread.

    Let's be mindful that everyone's opinion is exactly that: their opinion. Respect it as you would want your's respected, please.

    You don't have to agree, but you do have to play nice!
    What would you do if some KID knocked you down and was smashing your head into pavement?

    1st off it won't happen to me and i can say that with 100% certainty. But if by some stupid bad stroke of luck happen, I would do everything and anything to kick his ass. If I legally had a gun you can damn well be sure the perp would get popped.
    Go to a horse racing track and say something about how horse racing should be banned. Go to a trap shooting club and talk about banning guns. Go to a golf course and talk about banning golf balls for the environment. I could go on for months.

    How exactly does that prove anything? You just proved that people will try to persuade you not to ban something they enjoy. Awesome. I'm glad you made that breakthrough.

    You still refuse to answer any questions we ask you, you refuse to accept facts, and you insist on throwing assumptions into the discussion. Now you basically just admitted to purposely trolling. Then, somehow we're the 'bad guys' for coming after you?

    I don't remember calling any of you guys bad guys. I don't think you're a bad guy. I'm not sure what you think of me, but these things don't bother me. I am comfortable with who I am.
    I was not trying to change your mind. You are entitled to your opinion and I 100% respect it. That is how I roll. I don't try to convince or win an argument here. It's a waste of time, since it will never happen. I state how I feel. How you feel is your perogative.
    Go to a horse racing track and say something about how horse racing should be banned. Go to a trap shooting club and talk about banning guns. Go to a golf course and talk about banning golf balls for the environment. I could go on for months.

    You're missing it still.

    I didn't say we should be banning guns. You did, or you thought I did.

    I was careful with how I presented my arguments for this express purpose.

    I stated that I was against hand guns, not that they should be banned. I will never own one, but that doesn't mean I don't support your right to own one.

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