What's For Dinner?

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    corndogs and pizza rolls =\

    i'm jealous of the ribs warbird. my dad's are so great, i'm hoping when i go home that he can teach me how to make them, that's probably my favorite all time food, his ribs with mac and cheese.
    Pan seared lamb loin with a light garlic creme sauce, on top of a penne with sun dried tomatoes and crumbled feta.
    Cod, with olive oil and black pepper, grilled, with pan fried red potatoes and mango salsa.
    Whatever is in the cafeteria tonight, I think Shepards pie? But for lunch today I nuked some lassagna, Mrs. Stoffers.

    Gawd, I really need to branch out on my eating a little huh?
    For breakfast I had a Great Danish
    For lunch I had Wienermareiners
    For dinner I had Ramen Poodles

    Before bed I took a massive Shih-Tzu...
    Pan seared lamb loin with a light garlic creme sauce, on top of a penne with sun dried tomatoes and crumbled feta.
    Who cooked, and when are you cooking for me?

    Last night we grilled a couple of rib eyes and had baked potatoes with them...good old meat and taters! Oh, and some really cold Red Stripe.

    Wife picked up a couple Jack Daniels Marinade packages, so last night we tried the mesquite. If you haven't seen them, it's a ziploc bag with the marinade pre-made inside. Put a couple of steaks (or whatever) in the bag, zip it shut, and put it in the fridge. Worked great!!

    Tonight we're trying the honey teryaki marinade with some chicken breasts.
    "Tuna Surprise"!!! :D

    You boil large egg noodles until just tender, Put them in a baking pan. Pour a mix of 4-5 eggs/milk over it making sure it all is mixed up nice and bake at 375Âş for 1/2 hour.

    Meanwhile, in a large pot or kettle, you melt a stick of butter, throw a whole bunch (level cereal bowl?) of flour into it and drain a large can of tuna into it and drain half the liquid from a can of peas into it. (Drain the rest of the pea juice into the sink). Mix it fast so it doesn't get lumpy and have 4 cups of milk nearby to add to keep it from lumping up. Take off the heat while mixing if necessary to keep from lumping up. Pour the rest of the milk in while stirring and add the peas and tuna. Stir until it gets nice and thick (white sauce) and set aside until the noodles are baked. Put the noodles on your plate and a bunch of the sauce over the top. Pepper the s**t out of it and salt to taste.

    Actually pretty good... :)
    Who cooked, and when are you cooking for me?

    Last night we grilled a couple of rib eyes and had baked potatoes with them...good old meat and taters! Oh, and some really cold Red Stripe.

    I cooked it. And you know what? I offered to live in your house and cook for you! But no, that'd be creepy, akward, and in general bothersome.


    However, you've inspired me. For tonight? Pork chops(these are good ones too) with mashed potatoes, good ole salad, and some Honey Brown.
    I cooked it. And you know what? I offered to live in your house and cook for you! But no, that'd be creepy, akward, and in general bothersome.

    If you had sent me a picture of your wife, my attitude would have been substantially different!

    However, you've inspired me. For tonight? Pork chops(these are good ones too) with mashed potatoes, good ole salad, and some Honey Brown.
    Sounds really good.

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