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  • Full Metal Markers.com
    Soxngolf, you're right for those two. But there are a LOT of people who were just as promising as juniors and didn't make it in the LPGA. Can I name names? Beth Bauer was supposed to tear up the place in 2002 or so. She's not even on the nonexempt list any more. Clarissa Childs was a hot shot in South Carolina. Graduated from college in 1997--her highest earnings year, she made $17,700 in the LPGA. She's STILL playing the Futures tour. My point is simply that being a fabulous junior isn't the same as the LPGA and isn't an accurate predictor of success there.
    Point taken. Whatever happened to Beth Bauer? She grew up playing here in the Tampa area, and was a very promising talent.

    I would suggest that if a player like Beth fails by the time she's 21 (which means she'd had a few years on tour to get it right,) then she still has plenty of time to go back to college.
    How about Vickie Goetze? The first woman to hold the NCAA Title and the US Womens Amatuer at the same time. Never won a single LPGA event. As a junior she still has some records that Paula never broke....

    So... Claire's little one Vickie or Paula?
    :real angry: Ooooooooooooooo....

    Now I'm even more angry about the crappy coverage.

    Samantha Head from Big Break Ka'anapali qualified for the Women's British.

    She is my faaaaaavvooorrrite!


    With the limited TV time, I probably won't get to see her hit a single shot.

    Speaking of promising amateur careers and the Big Break, does anyone remember Becky Lucidi? She won the US Women's Amateur and was in the last round of Ladies Big Break that Ashley won. She is on the LPGA tour this year after finishing well at Q School. I have been trying to catch her during any tournament, but no luck yet. Thought we might see her one tournament because she was paired with Wie, but no luck. She had a good first two days at one tournament, but then didn't finish well. She was wicked funny so I hope to see her do well!
    Speaking of promising amateur careers and the Big Break, does anyone remember Becky Lucidi? She won the US Women's Amateur and was in the last round of Ladies Big Break that Ashley won. She is on the LPGA tour this year after finishing well at Q School. I have been trying to catch her during any tournament, but no luck yet. Thought we might see her one tournament because she was paired with Wie, but no luck. She had a good first two days at one tournament, but then didn't finish well. She was wicked funny so I hope to see her do well!

    I never saw BB:5. I keep hoping they will replay it like they did BB:3 (sucked. That Barbie chick and the amazon chick were both tres bitter - I turned off the final episode halfway through and never watched the end because of all the catfighting.)

    Kristy McPherson from BB:6 is doing really well. She got her card and she's contended in several LPGA events the past few months. And she was one of the first to go in the BB competition.

    Maybe Big Break is the "NFL Madden" or "Campbell's Soup commercial" jinx for golf. Win it, and never be heard from again.

    I want to see Bridget Dwyer from BB 6 again. Yum.

    But Sam is still my all time favorite. I hope she does well this week at the Open.

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