I still can't play this game...

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    You could always ho yourself a decent driver! :deadhorse:

    (Sorry Tim, Rock has had that much pressure heaped on him I just thought I'd try to even it up just a little.)
    Nope, can't blame the driver on this one. Its the drivee. I have more than enough drivers in various configurations to know that ho'ing another one will not solve the problem.

    Besides, I want Rock to crack first. :D
    Have no fear, the last time I golfed with Sandwedge and Eracer at Crooked Cat my driving game was just as stellar. If you can not score lower than me when I am at my worst, you probably need to give up the game. :laugh:

    Don't worry. I will make you look good when we play this weekend. I haven't played much lately but went to the range this past weekend and it was ugly. You should have no problem beating me.
    Nope, can't blame the driver on this one. Its the drivee. I have more than enough drivers in various configurations to know that ho'ing another one will not solve the problem.

    Besides, I want Rock to crack first. :D

    exactly ualtim! you got it!

    i cant take it anymore. i need to vent my opinion. on all these golf forums around the internet, i see way too many high handicappers talking about or getting advice about equipment details that has practically nothing to do with the reason they dont play golf all that well. i am not trying to denigrate anybody, just making a general observation.
    if you are a 25 handicapper, if you are shooting 110, it doesnt mattter whether your driver is cut to 45" or 44 1/2" or what the freaking "tip speed" is (or whatever that nonsense is) or if you have the latest driver technology with the adjustable weights and a 65 gram shaft vs a 55. its just totally ridiculous.
    if you can hit a golf ball halfway decent, you can shoot bogey golf with ANY kind of clubs. even the 3, 5, 7, 9 D 4w starter set they sell at Kmart. (i once shot 79 at torrey pines north using 2 clubs, a 5i and a 9i and i am no big athlete but i can hit the ball solid and keep it in play).
    for all the guys giving advice to buy the latest technology to these high handicappers, try hitting it from the other side and see what all that technology is going to do for you.
    my advice is learn to hit the ball solid and consistant first, then when you get down to bogey golf, you can worry about better technology to shave a few more strokes off your game. at least 'ualtim' understands reality and recognizes its the "drivee not the driver". however, he says he has a very good or acceptable short game. why not keep the woods in the bag? hitting three 8 irons will reach almost any par 4. even wedge-wedge-wedge gets you close on a lot of par 4's. obviously, i'm exagerating but a person really could hit short irons all the way around and break 100 if they are a decent chipper and putter. why not punch a 5 wood or a seven wood out there off the tee, and scrape another 7 wood or 5 iron up near the green? a chip and 2 putts is bogey.
    please accept my apologies if i seem too harsh. it just drives me crazy to pretend that the slight differences in technology is going to make any kind of significant difference in a high handicappers game.
    Johnny, a few of us have been advocating this for awhile now. I have mentioned numerous times about my 9 hole rd last year where I used a 6i, pw & putter. I shot a 42 which was right in line with what I was shooting when I used all the clubs.

    You can have fitted clubs, a $600 driver, grain flow forged mizuno blades, a $6,000 limited edition Tiger Woods signed Cameron putter & utilize Fluff as your caddy....but if you suck at hitting the ball none of that will make a damn bit of difference.
    I know that I am an equipment junkie, but I also know that its not going to provide major changes to my game. My biggest dilemma, getting out often enough to provide any kind of consistancy. The 110 is probably the highest round I have recorded in the past 10 years. It just was not working last weekend regardless of what club I was taking off the tee. Driver, fairway, hybrids, and even the irons on the par 3's were just not working with any kind of consistancy. Things went a lot better today.

    While I am not exactly proud of my 98 today, I was happy with the way I was hitting the ball off the tee. I easily cut my penalty strokes in half versus last week, although my short game was not quite as good. I sank a couple of long putts again, today, but missed more of the shorter ones and had a few 3 putt greens. It felt better. Some more range time and hopefully another round next week and maybe I can put up a more respectable number.

    I guess the hardest part about this game is when you are getting worse. I know that I am capable of getting back down to a 10 cap or better as I have been there in the past. Knowing what you used to be able to do and then going out and playing to a 25 cap is a bit frustrating. It has been a long, long time since I broke 80 on two consecutive rounds so I do not know why I am expecting to do it again. I guess thats why I keep heading out to the course, to see if I can ever do it again.:(
    I know what you mean, Tim. Last weekend, midway through my tournament round, I lost my swing. Duh, it was like I was a caveman trying to kill something for dinner.

    After working 60 hours this week, haven't even touched a golf club, I went to the range yesterday, and my swing was as close to perfect as it's ever been. Not that it's very close. :)

    Tempo, tempo, tempo.
    Well, a month later and a little update. I have exceeded that 110 twice this past week. 112 on Thursday, and a brilliant 114 yesterday playing with Eracer and BryanK.

    Broke my record for 9 holes yesterday, too: 62 on the front 9.:bang:

    Hitting the ball well, just do not know where it is going. Its kind of like a roulette wheel on the tee, 50-50 chance whether its going right or left. Doesn't matter if its the Driver, 4-Wood, Hybrid, or Iron. No consistancy in the fade/slice or draw/hook.

    I think I am getting close to having to have a professional intervention. Not playing for a month at a time surely contributes to the problem, but I am starting to think that I need to start all over again from the beginning.

    On the bright side, my simulated handicap is poised to skyrocket once I wipe out a few more of my lower rounds. :laugh: Another couple of rounds like this and I may be ready to play VT again. :D
    Jesus! :D If you ever bring those scores down, you could really be deadly on the course. Sandbagger like you could take anybody's money.
    Jesus! :D If you ever bring those scores down, you could really be deadly on the course. Sandbagger like you could take anybody's money.

    I have a few more Low 90's to wipe out. :D

    If I just knew which way the ball was going to go consistantly, I could be back down to the low teens real quick. One putting for 6's and 7's is no way to play golf.
    If you feel like treking to Tampa area in 3 weeks I will be there :D

    I may need some more time to really blow up my simulated handicap. :thumbs up:

    The rate I am going, I could be shooting 120 in a month.:shark:

    Unfortunately, I do believe I am covering vacations when you arrive in April, either that or I am out on a boat for a week killing brain cells trying to forget my golf game.

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