Considering starting my own business!

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  • Full Metal

    The master

    Oct 24, 2004
    Reaction score
    I recent months I have wanted to start my own business in the golf industry. Obviously this is quite ambitious being only 18 years old and having very little capital to invest, which is why I want to set up an e-commerce website and sell my product online as I believe this will greatly reduce costs.

    Up until now it has just really been an idea but now I actually would like to put it into practice. Basically my idea is to sell t-shirts (mainly polo shirts for golfers and I suppose possibly tennis players. I do not just want to sell t-shirts but I want to give the customer the option of getting some description of crest embroidered onto the t-shirt, this would mainly be targeting groups of society golfers and other teams. For example they can get their society name and logo on the t-shirt.

    I don't know if there is a market for this particular product as I haven't really carried out any market research. There is a local company to me who do embroiderer things on t-shirts for company's so that would not be a problem.

    What do you guys reckon, is it worth a go if I get a good business plan and sufficient finances to make this happen.
    Come up with a product line and you can sell it here. I get 5% on every sale.

    That would be a way to get started. :)
    Im going to look into it further very soon. I was thinking that this site would defintley be a good advertising source with a wide range of members and visitors.
    I'd give ya some business, :D
    I am all for starting your own business...that's what I did 12 years ago. But you will probably want to learn the difference between a t-shirt and a Polo shirt before you get into it to deeply.

    Do lots of research and learn what you can about the business before you dive in.

    I am all for starting your own business...that's what I did 12 years ago. But you will probably want to learn the difference between a t-shirt and a Polo shirt before you get into it to deeply.

    Do lots of research and learn what you can about the business before you dive in.


    Cheers. Only difference I can see is that it has a collar? As I said I have done very little to no research, but it is something I will be doing over the next few months.
    Cheers. Only difference I can see is that it has a collar? As I said I have done very little to no research, but it is something I will be doing over the next few months.
    If that is the only difference you see, you will want to do a lot more research and self-education before you get into the apparel business....

    Yes. And stay humble. Working for a major corporation gets you training and procedures that have been formed over years or even decades.

    But forming your own business is like learning to speak a new language by moving to the country that speaks it. You need to understand that you know very little about how to make it work. Don't let that discourage you. Listen to what people who have done it say and learn from them. Join a small-business group and network with other people in your area. The local Chamber of Commerce is a good place to start.
    I really nice polo (shiny) with a cool "" emblem on it!! I'll buy it. :)

    Yours need a second line that reads "Head Driver Ho" You could just put HDH and we would all know what it means.:laugh:
    I want one that says,


    True Story"
    So you want to tell everyone that your score was bigger than WBL's?



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