Crushing Reality.....thanks to Dave for this...

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  • Full Metal


    Shark skin shoes
    Staff member
    Aug 30, 2004
    Reaction score
    Went to the shop tonight to try out some new sticks and I walk in to find the Callaway Ball display with only one box left.

    One measly, stinking box left.

    I felt so lone. Like when you're peeing off a bridge. So open, yet so worried about being seen.

    I now own that box of HX Blues. He and I need to be alone for a while.

    Thanks Dave. Thanks alot. :(


    PS....if the HX Hots suck, everyone has my gracious permission to blame Dave 100%.... ;)
    First you get me hooked on these balls and now the fact that there being replaced is MY FAULT?

    I don't think so Canucklebrain. :p

    Don't forget, if I hadn't tipped you off you wouldn't even have that last box to share your evenings with. You play guitar? If so you can start singing the Blues. :D

    HX Hot sounds cheesy. Christmas was good so I think I have enough Blues to get me through most of the year. If I ever make it in the Golfsmith you want me pick you up some if there's any left?
    I've been "assured" that the HX Hots are as good if not better than the Reds or Blues ever dreamed of being.

    I think he used the terms "The best of both worlds."

    Can this be true?

    (I still blame you Dave. Fundamentally, you had everything to do with this. ;) )

    rockford35 said:
    (I still blame you Dave. Fundamentally, you had everything to do with this. ;) )


    Oddly, this somehow seems fair. Where have I heard this arguement before.... Oh wait, that's right, I'm married. :p
    Not anymore, Dave.

    I told her about the HX Blues. She sided with me.

    Pack your shit, your out on the curb. ;)

    rockford35 said:
    Not anymore, Dave.

    I told her about the HX Blues. She sided with me.

    Pack your shit, your out on the curb. ;)


    Between your girl friend, Buddhas fiance and my wife you are going to be one busy guy.

    I on the other hand will have unlimited time for golf. Now I just need a new ball. :D
    DaveE said:
    Between your girl friend, Buddhas fiance and my wife you are going to be one busy guy.

    I on the other hand will have unlimited time for golf. Now I just need a new ball. :D

    I've heard nothing but good things about the HX Hot..... ;)


    What ever happened to the old Top Flite HOT XL's :D Man those things were like hitting stones with those old laminated woods! But man did they go deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep when you hit one on the screws. Not much stopping power on the old dry greens back in the days of playing the 9 hole Muni.

    Remember the good old days boys? I remember hitting 110 compression Dunlop DDH's. Now those were not a good ball to play on cold days.

    Laminated woods, one wedge in your bag, a PW. Bullseye putters, old Ping Ansers. Carry bags with single straps and two pockets. Metal spikes, click click on the cart paths and dangerous to your health on cement paths.

    No beer on the courses unless you smuggled your own in your bag with some ice, then the ice melted and water dripped out of your bag.

    Yes sir those were the good old days. No Callaway BLUE HX's back then! Hell Callaway was not even heard of back when I started golfing. How times have changed!
    Remember Golden Ram golf balls?

    Those things were like 120 compression, sounded like you broke the club when you hammered one.

    I used to be a diehard Pinnicle Gold guy back in the day. I still have a couple of those balls and laugh at the site of them.

    They don't make them like they used to.

    I still blame Dave, Golfbum. I'm sure you can see why. ;)


    Remember those old Spalding balls? I can't recall the name but they were mush! Pineapples, man those things were hot way back when. Now I toss those in the ponds when I find them, or play the "Let's see who can skip the ball across the pond and up the hill to the green" Contest with them. (I own the record for that, 100 feet across the pond and up the hill which rises up about 25 feet to the green. I once skipped a ball across the pond and damn near hit the green in regulation!)
    One thing I don't miss is metal spikes. I remember when I changed to soft spikes. I had played a private course which required soft spikes. Of course the guy who took me there did not inform me of that. So here I was walking around outside the Pro Shop making that old CLICK CLICK CLICK sound. I went in, paid my dues and out we went. Only when we were on the tee did I notice the SOFTSPIKES ONLY sign. Hmmm, ok next time I thought. After that round I bought some, put them in and man what a difference walking. No more sore aching back, it was a miracle! New golfers won't ever have the pleasure of walking on concrete paths in metal spikes!
    OH now I remember, CROW FLITES I think those balls were called! Can you imagine any company naming balls like that now?:D

    Hey Rock, don't let anyone influence you, be a leader not a follower!

    I'm gonna play whatever I want. I'm gonna not gonna take anything from anyone. Not even Dave, no way. ;)

    GBum, I can't remember the name of the Spaldings that you mentioned and it's killing me. I can see them, just can't name them.

    I used to love DDH balls to, as you have mentioned. And Precept balls were few and far between around these parts for years. I remember Nick Price stepping into them and everyone here had them. I used to love plating Titleist DT balls too. Had to be the DT or nothing. I was a kid, what the hell did i know?LOL.

    My grandfather has a pure hatred for orange golf balls. He will NOT hit one to save his life. He once told me he'd eat dog shit if it had enough ketchup on it rather than hit an orange golf ball.

    I got him a dozen when he retired. I'm such a dink. :canadafla

    Thanks for the support Bum, I appreciate it.



    Have I got a story for you about orange balls!

    Years ago I played in THE COORS LIGHT SCRAMBLE. This was an event Coors sponsored at different courses through out Canada. Our foursome qualified for the regional finals twice in two years. The first year we went on to qualify for the finals, held at Monterra Golf Club in Collingwood Ontario. 27 teams qualified from across Canada, the farthest 4some came from Manitoba that year.

    So we go up to Collingwood the night before, check into our motel and then proceed to go out and drink some of Coors fine products. 9 AM tee time rolled around pretty early for us! It was about 5C when we teed off. One guy in our group loved using orange balls and out one came on the first tee. Now the first hole at Monterra is a Par 5 with condo's lining the left side of the fairway. Orange Ball Guy tees off, rips one down the left side. OH OH, too far left! He asked the starter if that ball would be in play,reply was "Yah, you can maybe play it out of the breakfast nook in the 5th condo!" Jesus we laughed our asses off. Finished T11 that year.

    Next year we qualify for the regionals again. At the course when we register we all reveive a sleeve of Titleists. Orange Ball Guy goes in the Pro Shop and asks if he can exchange his for some ORANGE BALLS! The Pro Shop guy looked at him with a stunned look on his face and asked WHY? Answer was "Cause I get the feeling from orange balls" I slinked out the door hoping the Pro Shop guy would not know I was with Orange Ball Guy! When he pulled one out of his bag on the first hole our competition stared at him, one guy snickered. Hey they weren't snickering after we kicked their asses and finished T2 :)

    Remember those green balls? Man those things damn near glowed in the dark!
    Ha, good story.

    My grandfather used Yellow/green balls once in a while. It was just orange that made him crazy.

    Ping used to have those two toned half and half balls. I see some of them selling on ebay for huge coin. I remember as a kid hammering those balls into the water because they were "for women".

    Yes, I am an idiot.

    There was a great article about Ping in today's Golfweek - talking about their failure in the golf ball market.

    They were so dumb to introduce a half and half ball - its no wonder they failed
    I like the new coloured balls - not like as in I want to play them, but like as in "they look neat". I think they're called "crystal balls" or something. Kinda trippy to look at.

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