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Las Vegas massacre

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You know the answer.

I have a lot of family and friends in/around Vegas. I grew up there. I've had friends and an older brother killed by gunfire. This shit is hitting me pretty hard.
I'm sorry to hear that bud.

I'm pro 2nd amendment but what happened last night is inexcusable. :(

Prayers for Vegas.
First and Foremost, remember the victims. I hate to even hear the name of a POS that commits an act like this. The senseless loss of life hurts on a level that I can only begin to understand.

A dumbass will be a dumbass regardless of what he uses to harm others.

Twenty eight lives a day are lost to drunk driving, yet alcohol and cars are still legal. FTR I was almost killed by a drunk driver in 2003. I lost my career and live in pain every day because somebody decided to drink a gallon of vodka and go get cigarettes. It is very humbling to learn that your life is worth a pack of smokes.

It is tough to balance security while still allowing people to lead a semblance of a normal life. How do you balance security with Fourth Amendment rights etc...

I am sure more details will surface as the investigation proceeds.
WTF is wrong with people and how can this shit be prevented. We aren't safe anywhere. ****. My prayers and condolences to those affected. ****.

First off, condolences to those lost and their families. A disgusting event. Absolutely heinous and it sickens me every single time I read about this happening.

I don't want to discredit those killed, but to say that 'we're not safe anywhere' is demonstrably false. Assuming you're not involved in organized crime(a gang), and don't live in a low income area of a very large city (Chicago, DC, Detroit, etc etc etc), which is most of America, you have far better odds of being struck by lightening or winning a power ball jackpot than being killed by a gun in any situation, let alone a mass shooting.

We all know where I stand on The Second, and this event does not change my want to be as free of a human as I can possibly be...which is already being drastically eroded by the US government as it is. I'm not willing to give up more for the lie of security.
Perhaps a sad indictment on our media driven world is when something like this happens. More and more, I avoid all electronic news. The media turn it into an agonising talk-fest where they have one or more talking heads basically speaking non-stop but without saying anything of substance or anything new. It becomes a circus of slogans such as "breaking news" and "our reporter on the scene." For me, the news cycle is death by a thousand cuts. You could watch it for 24 hours and come away no more informed than at the beginning.
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but to say that 'we're not safe anywhere' is demonstrably false.
Statistically, I agree - I'll reword it. Shit like this makes me wonder if I am safe anywhere. When the D.C. snipers were murdering people in Fredericksburg, VA (my home), I was scared to go to stand at a ******* gas pump.
I don't know what the answer for this is. I know it isn't more gun laws because these guys won't obey those laws or any other laws. Maybe if we started torturing them publicly? Sorry but I'd watch that.
I don't know what the answer for this is. I know it isn't more gun laws because these guys won't obey those laws or any other laws. Maybe if we started torturing them publicly? Sorry but I'd watch that.
Wouldn't really help I don't think...Most of them dust themselves as soon as they experience armed resistance.

I honestly think they're in it mainly for the infamy and record. They already want to kill themselves for whatever reason and decide they might as well be the biggest mass shooting in history for a while. If they're already going to die, what does it matter what the consequences are? We can't incarcerate or torture a dead man. Well...we could...but it wouldn't really help.

Keeping their information out of the news and thereby reducing the fame they achieve just simply isn't an option...it's public record, it should be public record, and the public wants to know. Because the public wants to know, the news sources will report it.

The real true answer is we simply can't prevent them. Even in countries with very heavy restrictions, they still happen...check out Paris. They do happen to a lesser degree, that's true, but is that worth giving up our 2A rights? Not by a light year IMO. I believe since they, typically, go down easily once they encounter resistance, we need to reduce the time we can put resistance on an active shooter. I think we've already done a great job at this in lots of places, however, they're going to keep finding week points. They have all the time in the world to study and figure out a way through our defenses.

There just isn't an easy answer. If there was, we would have solved it a while ago. Freedom can be a scary place, but like has been said before, we need not let evil prevail. We need to keep the good of America alive and well in the face of this evil. Don't allow them to shape our lives.
Wouldn't really help I don't think...Most of them dust themselves as soon as they experience armed resistance.

I honestly think they're in it mainly for the infamy and record. They already want to kill themselves for whatever reason and decide they might as well be the biggest mass shooting in history for a while. If they're already going to die, what does it matter what the consequences are? We can't incarcerate or torture a dead man. Well...we could...but it wouldn't really help.

Keeping their information out of the news and thereby reducing the fame they achieve just simply isn't an option...it's public record, it should be public record, and the public wants to know. Because the public wants to know, the news sources will report it.

The real true answer is we simply can't prevent them. Even in countries with very heavy restrictions, they still happen...check out Paris. They do happen to a lesser degree, that's true, but is that worth giving up our 2A rights? Not by a light year IMO. I believe since they, typically, go down easily once they encounter resistance, we need to reduce the time we can put resistance on an active shooter. I think we've already done a great job at this in lots of places, however, they're going to keep finding week points. They have all the time in the world to study and figure out a way through our defenses.

There just isn't an easy answer. If there was, we would have solved it a while ago. Freedom can be a scary place, but like has been said before, we need not let evil prevail. We need to keep the good of America alive and well in the face of this evil. Don't allow them to shape our lives.

^^^this, a million times this
They do happen to a lesser degree, that's true, but is that worth giving up our 2A rights? Not by a light year IMO.
I think this is the main disconnect. Nobody (well, some people do, I guess) wants to "take away" your second amendment right to own a gun. Most people just want to restrict access to guns capable of this kind of destruction. There's no reason any human being should legally be able to stockpile 20 fully automatic weapons capable of mass slaughter. Zero.

By the way, here's the actual 2A:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Allowing people to stockpile dozens of assault rifles with large clips (or magazines, or whatever they are called) was NOT what they had in mind when they wrote the 2A. They wrote it when we needed to defend ourselves from foreign invasion, and at a time when guns held 1 bullet. The Vegas guy (and any other mass shooter) does not qualify as "a well regulated Militia."
I think this is the main disconnect. Nobody (well, some people do, I guess) wants to "take away" your second amendment right to own a gun. Most people just want to restrict access to guns capable of this kind of destruction. There's no reason any human being should legally be able to stockpile 20 fully automatic weapons capable of mass slaughter. Zero.

By the way, here's the actual 2A:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Allowing people to stockpile dozens of assault rifles with large clips (or magazines, or whatever they are called) was NOT what they had in mind when they wrote the 2A. They wrote it when we needed to defend ourselves from foreign invasion, and at a time when guns held 1 bullet. The Vegas guy (and any other mass shooter) does not qualify as "a well regulated Militia."
I would make the argument that any firearm, in the wrong persons hands, has the ability to cause this kind of destruction.

Let's not forget that in OKC 168 people lost their lives to a panel van full of fertilizer. Both of which are still readily available.

I'm a heavyset dude, always have been. Is it the spoons fault I'm overweight?

IMHO, it is a people issue and not a gun issue.
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