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    Trevecca Nazarene University - Nashville, TN - BA in Pastoral Ministry
    Vanderbilt University Divinity School - Nashville, TN - MTS Theology

    Currently working on my application to The University of Dayton for a PhD in theology.
    Texas A&M B.A. in History. Most of my friends were engineering guys.

    Ohio University - BA, Public Administration
    Iona College - MBA, Finance
    Univ. of Georgia- BS in Drinking.
    Univ. of Georgia- BS in Drinking.

    We were at my husband's college reunion in June, complete with a camp for the kids. When we picked them up the first evening, they announced that they had learned a new game--Water Pong. Sheesh; it starts early.
    Utah State University - Civil Engineering and Business Administration (I still get recruiting calls, great engineering school for water/hydraulics and mechanical/aero engineering. We had a great water lab, build rockets for missiles, and I believe send more into space than any other university.)
    The tuition is reasonable, and who can't beat 500" of snow in the mountains nearby. I've snowmobiled and golfed on consecutive days!
    Haven't committed yet. Still going through the recruiting process and got a couple schools to visit still. I'll commit probably on the 26th or 27th after I take my final visit.
    East Carolina University-------best 14 years of my life.

    I have two degrees from there both a BA and an MA in psychology. I know that it sounds like it took me a long time to finish but, I also went to seminary at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Duke Divinity School during that timeframe.
    Eastern Illinois university - drop out (two years computational mathmatics then two years english major.

    But worked as an mining engineer for four years and as a project engineer/manager doing runway/airfield construction at Ohare for about ten years. all learned hands on. A degree is priceless, but knowing your sh*t is formost. sounds like the projects you have been involved with show you have the right stuff for engineering. to me engineering is a state of mind.
    I can't remember.:confused: ;)

    Only have 3 years worth of credit. After going off and on for numerous years, then after getting married and realizing it was doing neither my wife or I any good working 50-70 hours a week and mainly graveyards, and trying to complete as many hours as we could, I started working during the day where I could make more money while she took 20-25 hours a semester to get through in not having to work, as she had better grades and credit towards what she really intended to do. I had every intent of going back after she graduated, but I managed to get into what I wanted to do (Programming) without a degree within a year. After a year or so in my field, it pretty much became more of a goal to reach the top of the field without a degree, and I really didn't see a point to go back. Although I think the degree would have been an easier way out looking back, I'm not sure I would have reach the same level that I did had I waited another year or so before getting into the industry.
    So Mike, when you started this, you said you should hear from the second school at the end of last week. And...??
    So Mike, when you started this, you said you should hear from the second school at the end of last week. And...??

    Accepted. :) I've pretty much made up my mind to attend Michigan Tech, but I'm still talking with financial aid people from both to see what they are offering, which will help me decide.

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