your thoughts about 13* wood off the deck,

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  • Full Metal


    Well-Known Member
    Oct 28, 2006
    Reaction score
    I carry a 13* vft wood, a great club, and I used to hit it ok off the fairway, and then I read that you can't do that so now I can't do it anymore. I am hitting the driver ok and only use the 3 wood off the tee when I need to go shorter but am not using it on the fairway. (I use the 5 wood instead.) I am thinking of replacing the 3W and am trying to decide on either another 13* or go 15*. What do you think?
    I used to hit it ok off the fairway, and then I read that you can't do that so now I can't do it anymore.

    Did they change a rule or something? If you hit it off the deck OK, then hit the prick off the deck.
    There shouldn't be a problem hitting it off the deck, 13* may be tougher because of the loft but if you can do it go ahead.
    It's taken me a little while to get used to mine but I hit it as well as any 15* now. Just try to hit your driver off the deck 30 or so times and the 13* will seem like a 7iron after. :laugh:
    Depending on the course I use a 13' titanium Cleveland 3w or a 16' Nike iron wood. Both are excellent off the deck and tee. If the course is long with hard fairways the 3w gets the nod. If I need high shot landings the Nike hybrid is in the bag.

    If my swing is in need of repairs the hybrid is in the bag as the shorter shaft length is easier to hit.

    I'm more comfortable with hitting my 17* 4 Wood KZG Cobalt of the deck then my 15* 3 Wood KZG RBT/FW that has a higher center of gravity (which is fine for tee shots). I'm thinking even if I could hit a 13* I woudn't like my chances of holding on to the green. I'd rather layup with three shots for a GIR then go past with a Hail Mary shot off the deck that'll bounce off the green. My 4 wood can get me there on two on Par 5 and shoots fine from the tees.
    I used to hit a 9 degree warbird off the deck no problem. Powerfade...
    If you are a good enough player and can control the ball then why not? The article you read probably said its not a shot that all but the best players can play without risk.As a risk or reward shot for handicap palyers its better left alone
    I use driver off the deck a fair amount now actually, lots of courses now have longer par 5s with open greens because theyve made the hole so long they cant really make the green tough as nails also, so a nice driver otd rolls up nice and is a little longer than my 3w.

    Either way you just have to swing it properly, why are you getting a new one though if you said you hit the vft 13* well off the deck? Nothing wrong with it I dont know of?
    I hit a 13* off the deck pretty well since I started playing. Although for the last couple years it started costing me quite a few strokes off the tee, so since I carry 4 wedges I finally decided to get it out of my bag and put my 5i back in. So my 17* 5w is the next after my driver. Kinda strange that my 10* driver is the straightest and most consistent club in my bag, but the 3w had a tendency to find alot of trouble off the tee, and I likely hit it more consistent off the deck. I just rarely ever find a case where the extra 15 yards will help me at the risk of a penalty I often found. Off the Tee, ever since I cut down my driver, I can even take a little off my driver if need be and still hit it consistently.

    My 3w will likely never find it's way back in my bag. Always killed me when I would try and "Play it safer" and end up taking a penalty I would likely just as easily find with my driver. So if I want play it safe now, it will be a 5w or one of my hybrids.
    I used to try and hit a 13 degree three wood, but I launch the ball very low and have since changed to a 15 degree
    3w was ol' relialble off the tee until I changed my

    swing this year. Now my driver is working real good so I use it most of the time. I still would like to hit 3W consistent for second shot on those long 600 yd par 5s. I will work on it at the range. Why would I want to change? I guess it's the ho factor. I saw a fusion 3+ in the spring that would fit real nice in my bag.

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