How 'bout them Bears!!!!

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  • Full Metal
    .....................How 'bout them BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!
    I think the Packers had them pretty much terrified for a three quarters... then went into their usual late game meltdown but it was fun to watch the fans boo their team and I'm glad the Bears won, only because I'd rather they represent the division (for probably only one game) instead of the Vikings.... :)

    And Orton is NOT that good at all. 37 yards in the first half. The Packers were daring him to pass and he couldn't get it done. The Packers defense against the Bears running game worked for awhile but didn't work at the end... :) Forte is the Bears only offensive weapon.
    I'm glad the Bears won, only because I'd rather they represent the division (for probably only one game) instead of the Vikings.... :)

    You hereby are required to turn in your Cheesehead card. No matter any reason a Packer fan cannot under any circumstance cheer for the Bears.
    I think the Packers had them pretty much terrified for a three quarters... then went into their usual late game meltdown but it was fun to watch the fans boo their team and I'm glad the Bears won, only because I'd rather they represent the division (for probably only one game) instead of the Vikings.... :)

    And Orton is NOT that good at all. 37 yards in the first half. The Packers were daring him to pass and he couldn't get it done. The Packers defense against the Bears running game worked for awhile but didn't work at the end... :) Forte is the Bears only offensive weapon.
    the problem is not Orton. He is ok...the problem is the WR's! They suck, cant get any separation, cant get open...the only one who can get open is Devin Hester but not on every play. The o line cant block either. Forte is a stud.
    the problem is not Orton. He is ok...the problem is the WR's! They suck, cant get any separation, cant get open...the only one who can get open is Devin Hester but not on every play. The o line cant block either. Forte is a stud.

    Agreed. I'm not particularly a Bears fan but you're absolutely right that they have no WR's. I'd imagine this upcoming year they'll finally spend a 1st round pick on one.

    Sorry to say though, I'm thinking my Texans are going to have their number on Sunday =] Playing the spoiler, like always.
    "I just hope the Giants put up a game against the Vikings."... and then you go lose to the GD Texans. Sheesh.
    Thank God the Vikings won and we can feel it didn't matter if we won or lost our game. Same story again. Hope next year draft FINALLY gets us a franchise QB and a couple of wide receivers. Or maybe Angelo can screw up again and bring another terrible first round pick!
    You guys are the team that should aggresively go after Matt Cassel for next year.
    Or Donovan McNabb.

    the way their game is going it doesn't look like (or sound like, according to the announcers) that he'll be going anywhere.

    Anyone agree that Andre Johnson is the best WR in the league? And you'd never know, goes about his business quietly. That was a good game today.
    Thank God the Vikings won and we can feel it didn't matter if we won or lost our game. Same story again. Hope next year draft FINALLY gets us a franchise QB and a couple of wide receivers. Or maybe Angelo can screw up again and bring another terrible first round pick!
    need a O line.........a good O line makes everyone play better.
    need a O line.........a good O line makes everyone play better.

    Yes you are right, that's why they spent the first round pick in....what the hell is his name?:deadhorse: instead of Otah or any of the players who really did do something for the game and weren't broken by the first quarter of the pre-season......

    Angelo for President! (Yeah, right)

    I don't think we should go for an old QB next season. Orton seemed to do things right for now, but we do need to develop a first round pick QB fr a couple of years to have a franchise QB which we've been lacking since ...forever...

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