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  • Full Metal Markers.com
    What you mean to say is that you are a 9 and want to be a 5. A +9 would mean you usually shoot right around 63 or so.
    Yes. I never understood that. Seems reverse. Why would my goal, be shoot higher. I've been playing for years, but just in the last 12 months have I been posting scores, and been focusing on improving. Sorry for saying it backwards
    Yes. I never understood that. Seems reverse. Why would my goal, be shoot higher. I've been playing for years, but just in the last 12 months have I been posting scores, and been focusing on improving. Sorry for saying it backwards
    It is that way because you count down to scratch and then +1 is one stroke better, and you have to give your opponent +1 strokes in addition to his/her handicap strokes. That's how it originated.

    John is a +2 and Mark is a 7. John has to give Mark his 7 strokes +2 more, for 9 total.
    Yes. I never understood that. Seems reverse. Why would my goal, be shoot higher. I've been playing for years, but just in the last 12 months have I been posting scores, and been focusing on improving. Sorry for saying it backwards
    It's like everything else in golf bass ackwards. Like hitting down to make the ball go up, aim left and you are sure to slice it right...etc.
    Sorry to be "that guy". I know what you meant. I just got into a argument with guy who tried to tell me if I want to hit a high shot that I need to hit down on the ball more. Which couldn't be farther from the truth. So with that being fresh on my mind, I had to clarify. I didn't mean to imply that you don't know that either.
    I played 9 yesterday...ugly display of putting. Something has to give...I need some change...I need a new putter. :) I'm going to check out the Versa line today...maybe TM(eek).
    Sorry to be "that guy". I know what you meant. I just got into a argument with guy who tried to tell me if I want to hit a high shot that I need to hit down on the ball more. Which couldn't be farther from the truth. So with that being fresh on my mind, I had to clarify. I didn't mean to imply that you don't know that either.
    OK, good. I had no idea what you were trying to say there! :D
    I played 9 yesterday...ugly display of putting. Something has to give...I need some change...I need a new putter. :) I'm going to check out the Versa line today...maybe TM(eek).
    Good luck, let me know what you get. I ordered a cheapo Inazone TM MA-81 knock off and it shoudl be here monday. Head weight looks good and I am curious to try it out, hope it feels ok otherwise I am going to have to buy a scotty.
    Good luck, let me know what you get. I ordered a cheapo Inazone TM MA-81 knock off and it shoudl be here monday. Head weight looks good and I am curious to try it out, hope it feels ok otherwise I am going to have to buy a scotty.
    Will do. I'll post pics.

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